Modular plants are measured in feed tons per hour. Producers are typically looking for a per annum output over a certain number of available hours. With a customized plant, we ask what is needed to feed the plant to get the desired output. Consider a modular plant with a feed tph of 250. The expected output may be 60% sand, or an output of 150. You need to feed 415 tph to get 250 tph of product to match the output of a custom plant. As long as this is understood between the parties, then it is okay. If not, it comes as an unwelcome shock. The end result is more hours worked or more equipment purchased. Even when the capacities are well understood, variations in the typical feed gradation and actual run of mine material can create bottlenecks in the system on either the coarse or fine side, which results in reduced capacity of the system. There are definite cases where a modular plant makes sense. In these cases, McLanahan offers a range of Modular Wash Plants that are close in design to the USPs we made 20-plus years ago but have now added a feed system, sizing screen and discharge conveyors, all provided in a compact, more complete offering.